Unlock the power of being authentic on social media

Your guide to genuine connections on social media!

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“Don't use social media to impress people; use it to impact people.” 

— Dave Willis, Author and Speaker

A hard hitting fact:

When it comes to social media, authenticity builds trust.

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In today's digitally connected world, where every like, comment, and share seems to define our online presence, being authentic is more crucial than ever.

Understanding authenticity:

Authenticity is about being true to yourself and presenting a genuine reflection of who you are. It's not about creating a facade or projecting an idealized version of your life. Instead, it's about embracing your flaws, sharing your passions, and connecting with others in a meaningful way.

How to be authentic on social media?

Know your values: Start by identifying your core values. What matters most to you? Let these values guide your actions and content on social media.

Be transparent: Transparency builds trust. Be open about your journey, both the successes and the challenges. People appreciate honesty and vulnerability.

Engage authentically: Don't just focus on numbers. Engage with your audience sincerely. Respond to comments, ask questions, and show genuine interest in others' content.

Share real stories: Share real stories and experiences that resonate with your audience. Authenticity shines through genuine storytelling.

Avoid comparisons: Social media often breeds comparison. Remember, everyone's journey is unique. Focus on your progress and celebrate others without comparison.

Take breaks: It's okay to step away from social media when needed. Taking breaks helps you recharge and maintain a healthy perspective.

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Did you know?

You should never share photos of your airline boarding pass on social media.

Boarding passes contain a wealth of personal information, including your full name, travel dates, flight details, and booking references. Posting pictures of your boarding pass on social media can be very dangerous, as this information can be used by identity thieves to access other information related to your booking, including your phone number, address, or airline benefits program.

Hackers can use your boarding pass information to create targeted phishing attempts, leading you to click on malicious links or share sensitive data. They can also use social engineering techniques to pretend to be airline representatives and trick you into revealing more personal data.

Also, sharing your boarding pass on social media can also lead to unauthorized booking changes. For example, someone could change your seat assignment or even cancel your flight altogether.

If ever there be a need you wish to showoff that boarding pass, cover the barcode and the vital information.

Engagement farming on X/Twitter coming to an end?

Elon Musk, CEO of X (formally Twitter), warned on about indulging in engagement farming and threatened them of suspension if corrective action is not taken.

The post generated immense response and many users hailed Musk's latest announcement.

But, at the same time Elon Musk also clarified:

It’s fine to “engagement farm” with compelling content, but not with spam." 一 Elon Musk

I have compiled a list of activities that may be considered as engagement farming:

  • Encouraging users to like, share, or comment on a post to enter a contest or giveaway

  • Spamming with multiple comments under one post

  • Posting irrelevant content in the comment section that is not related to the original post

  • Posting misleading click-bait content to provoke clicks, reposts, or comments

  • Using someone else's original content to get engagement

  • Joining groups where members interacting with each other’s posts, boosting engagement

  • Asking prompts that encourage users to comment, like "Tag your friend who needs to see this."

  • Using bot accounts to get more engagement on your posts

  • Asking if you can see this post in your timeline just to get more comments.

Only time will tell what will be the exact activities that may be categorized as engagement farming.

Questions & Answers

Some common questions I am often asked, so here are the answers:

  • How do you deal with negative feedback while staying authentic?
    I deal with negative feedback authentically by listening actively, focusing on constructive criticism, and responding with honesty and respect, while staying true to my values and beliefs.

  • Is it necessary to share personal details to be authentic?
    Sharing personal details isn't always necessary to be authentic. It's more about being genuine in how you express yourself and staying true to your values and beliefs.

  • Can businesses also be authentic on social media?
    Absolutely, businesses can be authentic on social media. It involves being transparent, engaging sincerely with customers, and aligning actions with core values to build trust and meaningful connections.

Do you have any questions related to social media marketing? Feel free to reply to this email and ask away. I will select some questions and answer them next Monday.

Tools I came across in the last week:

  1. AirChat: It is not a tool, rather its a new social media app that encourages users to “just talk.”

  2. UglyDuckling: A simple X/Twitter analytics tool that helps you stay consistent and grow your audience.

Whenever you are ready, there are ways I can help you with:

Niche Newsletter Mastery Guide: I want to help you in starting your newsletter journey & scaling it to get monetized. Download your copy today!

Tailored Social Media Content Ideas: Get Tailored Social Media Content Ideas based on your profession/business for your X/Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn & Video.

Check this out! These tools might be of help to you:

Snowball: Grow your X/Twitter audience in weeks by creating high quality content consistently, drive engagement and get more followers, FAST.

CrawlScout: Get your website indexed fast on search engines and improve your search engine presence to grow traffic on autopilot.

Beehiiv: A newsletter platform built by newsletter people, built for growth.

That’s it for this week!

Forward this email to a friend who needs to read this!

Hit reply to let me know what you found most helpful this week. I would love to hear from you!

Until next Monday!

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